Now, ask your class members to repeat the elements of the five-finger rule, and most of them will look at their hands (the educational “hook”) and be able to identify the five components and with the “hook” they have perfectly memorized the five-finger rule. We will encourage each other. If we do, the other four fingers happen automatically. I have seen periods when, in the third consultation with the recommendation, and at a time when, at the third vote, the group felt that a change in the recommendation was necessary and that the recommendation was rejected. However, in all cases, the five-fingered consensus encourages the group to listen carefully in the event of disagreement. In fact, it encourages you to listen carefully twice if necessary. But technology does not allow a solution to be diluted because some disagree. Although there are one or two, admittedly, who do not like the alternative, we believe that the five-fingered consensus contributes to the fact that they are all heard and of course, and that the will of the group prevails. The five-fingered consensus aims to foster meaningful agreement without compromising the quality of the solution. Here`s how it works. The Pinky Finger – Stands for: The Little Things – Action: Show and wiggle your little finger – Sample Statement: Don`t forget the little things, because little things make a difference The ring finger – Stand up for: Get engaged – Action: Pretend to put an alliance on your finger – Sample Statement: Be with everything we do in class as soon as an alternative is proposed and discussed and the group is ready to consider an agreement , the moderator performs the following steps. The moderator explained that three of them should hold between one and five fingers, indicating the level of support for the recommendation on the table.

If a class member violates a rule, simply point to the corresponding rule and tell them about the rule they broke. The Index (Pointer) Finger – Stands out for: Don`t Point the Finger – Action: Point and Shake the finger – Sample Statement: Do pointing the finger at someone else. Take your responsibilities and move on to group meetings that are well relieved are very effective in developing creative solutions and consensus to deal with common problems. At an facilitated meeting, the group tries to reach agreement on a number of solutions. However, an essential element of each facilitated meeting is agreement on the method of decision-making.