A contractual contract is a written agreement between a landowner and the power company, which allows the power company to install or store its equipment in the countryside. A contractual route can be distinguished from a “necessary route,” which is a mandatory dash granted to the distribution company by the Secretary of State under the Electricity Act 1989. One of the main changes to the new code is the extension of the notice period for code agreements. The owner of the land must now give at least 18 months to resign. This is in stark contrast to the much shorter 28-day notice period that applied under the old code and could have a significant impact on the date of plans to rehabilitate property subject to code rights. The landowner has the right to recover all losses resulting from the granting of the road. For development sites, complex arguments emerge as to the correct qualification of this loss and the correct evaluation date. It is therefore important that you appoint a specialized lawyer with experience in this area to advise you on the right legal principles and the best arguments you need to use to ensure that you maximize the compensation to be paid. In our experience, electricity companies often make carpet offers and are very reluctant to properly compensate landowners for their real loss.

To fight their approach and maximize the compensation due, you need to call in a specialist lawyer! In cases where it is necessary to refer a right to the Supreme Court, we may consider acting on an updated conditional pricing agreement, in which we reduce our pre-feeding fees against the payment of a pass tax if the claim is successful. The landowner must meet a reasonable notice period for such relocation and restoration, but without authorization within 28 days, the landowner can apply for a court order. The court has the power to pay the operator compensation for the period during which the aircraft will remain on the ground after the right to removal has been created. After the termination or expiry of the contract, a code contract is pursued by law, unless it is established in accordance with the new code.